
Results 24 issues of cds-amal

Truffle tools and docs should reflect upcoming changes to test networks. Three [testnets scheduled to be shutdown in the near future]( Rinkeby (Q2/Q3 2023), Ropsten (Q4 2022), and Kiln (Q3/Q4...

priority2 ⚠️

This PR improves the performance of `truffle test` on the command line, and `test` within the console and develop REPL. The speed increase comes from bypassing the web3's polling mechanism,...

Configure GHA to cache and reuse the expensive `yarn bootstrap` command. - use actions/cache@v2 ([v3 seemed to have dropped support for node 12 and 14](, or I misunderstood the release...

There should be tests in this package.

priority7 💤

There is a webpack error when [testing the debugger package]( ```console @truffle/debugger: $ mochapack --webpack-config webpack/webpack.config-test.js "./test/*.js" "./test/data/*.js" @truffle/debugger: WEBPACK Compiling... @truffle/debugger: WEBPACK Compiled with 1 warning(s) @truffle/debugger: Warning @truffle/debugger:...

priority4 📋

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Do not Merge ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ This PR is to run CI

- disable db tests to see if other blockers exist

I instrumented Ganache to track RPC calls per migations (1 contract, 2 contracts, 3 contracts ... 25 contracts) and observed Truffle called `eth_estimateGas` twice per contract. |Num Contracts | eth_estimateGas|...

priority2 ⚠️

Metamask will introduce a breaking change on Nov-15-2020 altering how they inject web3 and will affect how Drizzles detection logic works. Reference: