
Results 9 issues of cdb0y511

Hi, @matlabbe I notice this error when I use T265 + L515 model. It traces back to __GI_raise 0x00007fbcf27fb18b __GI_abort 0x00007fbcf27da859 0x00007fbcf2a60911 0x00007fbcf2a6c38c std::terminate() 0x00007fbcf2a6c3f7 __cxa_rethrow 0x00007fbcf2a6c6fd gtsam::internal::linearAlgorithms::optimizeBayesTree(const gtsam::GaussianBayesTree &)...

Hi,@koide3 I am following the latest master branch. It occasionally appear when utilizing fast_gicp::FastVGICPCuda. Any advice? thanks. Full message: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error' what(): reduce failed...

Hi, @yifita. I find your great work recently. But I am a little confused about the gradient of the regularization terms. In the paper, 4.2 Alternating normal and point update,...

Hi, @matlabbe. It happens with the latest git, How to reproduce: with the latest git, and I test with the first DB loc_190321-165128.db, source load from DB, use odometer...

Hi, I am working on evaluating routed fusion on the RGB-D dataset. The first thing is to prepare input data, like depth, instincts, and extrinsics. However, I find the

Hi, @borongyuan. I notice you have given a useful commit #1107. I think the VIO may applicable for rtabmap, but I try D455 with your default parameters and can not...

Hi, @matlabbe. Recently, I noticed some nice matchers (based on pytroch) and detectors on github, which archive the state-of-art. Like, I think it is better than superGlue, at least...


After I follow this #4, the enviroment problem seems to be gone. But evertime python occour Segmentation fault (core dumped), the python interpreter stops on line 73 patches_embedding,...

Could you update your source file Because theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn is discarded in theano 1(>theano 0.9). from theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn import gpu_contiguous, GpuDnnConvDesc, gpu_alloc_empty, GpuDnnConv3dGradW wont work, and if lasagne.utils.theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn_available() in Could...