Carla Cicero
Carla Cicero
We can work on the definition etc., but my question mirrors what Teresa was saying. If we add 'part attribute lot count', then do we also need part lot count?...
@dustymc @campmlc @DerekSikes @Jegelewicz Here's an attempt to finish this request so we can move forward. Goal Add 'part attribute lot count' as a part attribute Context Lot counts as...
@dustymc @Jegelewicz @campmlc Returning to this issue. I think what Dusty is saying is, why do we need both? I'm not sure either. Given this thread, I'm thinking maybe it...
@DerekSikes We also use attribute 'individual count' for observational records where there is no part (e.g., # birds seen on a point count). @campmlc I don't think we need a...
@campmlc that is a good use case. The question is (I think?), do we also keep lot count for the part or move lot count to attributes so we don't...
The AWG is meeting next Thursday, so can we try for Monday? See if any of these times work:
@campmlc @DerekSikes @dustymc @Jegelewicz It looks like Monday 10am PST works for Mariel, Derek, and me. Let's plan for that. I just sent you all an invitation, it's on the...
Brief summary of discussion today with @DerekSikes @dustymc @campmlc @DerekSikes needs a way of distinguishing whether counts are estimated or not. Solution that we discussed is to add a part...
@Jegelewicz At the Code Table meeting 18 May 2023 we talked about using the existing attribute ctkill_method to enter source of mortality. Change code table term to 'source of mortality'...