Clemens Brunner

Results 317 comments of Clemens Brunner

And by "just" I thought that it was going to be as easy as using my existing function, but I don't have the time to adapt all the tests and...

We've already had such a request a while back in #3134. Have you checked out the package mentioned there? It might be outdated and unmaintained, but it's probably worth checking...

Its successor seems to be BrainFlow, which even lists an example of how to integrate with MNE: Is this something that would work?

Otherwise, the data files are plain CSV files that Pandas should be able to read. You can then create an []( object.

Not in the next week, but we have just bought an OpenBCI Cython board so I will definitely be making sure that I can read the data 😄!

I think the problem is not that some locations are now outside the head (e.g. AF9, AF10, ...), but that too few locations are outside the head as compared to...

Shouldn't channels T9 - T7 - C5 - C3 - C1 - Cz - ... form a horizontal line (according to the cartoon posted by @sappelhoff)?

I'm still not sure what the problem is. Do we already know? What's the plan to fix it? I'd really like this to be fixed for 0.20 so I'm adding...

👍 for changing `standard_1020` to spherical coords and renaming the existing realistic ones to `realistic_1020`. Which of the two spherical would you use? Also, which function reads these kinds of...

I really liked the old topomaps much better. In my EEG-related work I never had real electrode locations, but there are use cases where real locations improve e.g. source localization....