Christian Boulanger

Results 136 comments of Christian Boulanger

@johnspackman I wonder though, if it's really necessary to delete stuff from the Github pages' file tree - since all files are stored in the commit history anyways and you...

If I remember correctly, the clone of weighs about 5 GB (or was it 10GB)? So it's pretty big, because of all the applications that have been deployed there...

As far as I can see, there are three projects that scratch a similar itch, that is, the generation of user interfaces from data instead of through procedural code: -...

@gnikolaidis Just to clarify: this is not about you abandoning XML. By all means, use XML, I use qookery too and love it. The point is that not everyone wants...

@gnikolaidis I think this issue is just an invitation to think about code that could be shared. If everyone wants to keep on going separate ways, that's totally fine, too....

I would leave this open since it is a conceptual issue/feature request, not so much a concrete implementation. I am still interested in the idea.

Ok, thanks. I think a manually maintained list in the compiler sources is really not a good idea. I'd take it on me to move the stuff back into the...

I am not talking about the environment checks - that would be an awful lot of work with no real benefit - but the stuff the user wants to turn...

The problem of course being that if you pass a standard object *used* as Dictionary to a method that expects a `qx.type.Dictionary` according to the JSDoc documentation, IDEs will mark...

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