Christian Boulanger

Results 181 comments of Christian Boulanger

Thanks so much for looking into it and I am embarrassed that the xml contained junk - I did check for empty tags (but not on the `` node) and...

The multiple root problem was actually a copy/paste error when uploading the data as a gist, sorry. But removing the empty `` node and splitting up the big xml into...

Ok, the performance, at least measured against `gold.xml` of this material isn't that great: ``` Model file test/models/parser-excite-computer-science.mod: Checking gold.xml.................1252 seq 75.01% 5524 tok 15.26% 4s Checking excite-computer-science.x 54 seq...

@a-fent Thanks! Would you have some code examples on how you did it? My problem is always that I have to learn Ruby while going and even though I have...

I would also like to do this for signal phrases such as "see also", "cf.", "on XXXX, see", "for ..., see" etc. which need to be discarded for reference parsing...

To understand the code better: how/where in the code are features and lables being connected? How would I set up a Feature and tell Wapiti that if I encounter "BVerfG"...

I guess what I want to say is that it would be great to have a hands-on documentation/tutorial on how to extend the current feature -> label -> normalizer workflow...

@a-fent Thank you so much, this is incredibly helpful! Maybe @inukshuk can weigh in on the wapiti pattern issue in the .txt file? I am not sure I fully understand...

I totally agree that AnyStyle has an excellent design - I come from another library which was really hard to work with and really appreciate it! So the only missing...

As they say, If everything else fails, look at the manual. Here's something from the [Wapiti docs]( (somewhat reformatted): --- Pattern files are almost compatible with CRF++ templates. Empty lines...