Christian Boulanger

Results 181 comments of Christian Boulanger

Oh but checking the result 'zfrsoz-footnote' mainly consists of false positives, so no progress really :-(

Ok, my finder training material is much worse than I thought it was - there were some problems with automatic translation from the excite material. Fixing it now to see...

After correcting the training material and reducing the size of the dataset, I thought I was seeing progress but I am back at getting segmentation faults even though I reduced...

Ok, I got it to work, here's what I changed - not sure which was the decisive fix: - According to a [closed issue]( a `` tag at the beginnin...

Trying to train a model with this gold, I am getting ``` INFO [2022-08-11 18:37:56 +0200] wapiti: load patterns INFO [2022-08-11 18:37:57 +0200] wapiti: initialize model INFO [2022-08-11 18:37:57 +0200]...

Another question: for training, where should the token "in: " go, as in: ``` N. Dimmel: Armutspotential zwischen Nichtinanspruchnahmeund Repression, in: R. Teichmann (Hrsg.): Sozialhilfe in Österreich, Wien 1989 V....

I posted the current version (cleanup is still ongoing) to a gist:

Any idea about the `ruby: vmath.c:281: xvm_expma: Assertion 'r != NULL && ((uintptr_t)r % 16) == 0' failed.` error?

Is there a chance you could try to train a parser model with to see if you get the error as well or if it is just my setup?

> Trying to train a model with this gold, I am getting > > ``` > INFO [2022-08-11 18:37:56 +0200] wapiti: load patterns > INFO [2022-08-11 18:37:57 +0200] wapiti: initialize...