Thank you for the quick reply Spence. > You sure this isn't just the bogus programmer bug I don't think so. > This bugged state can be easily checked for...
This issue is related to #160 and the missing libusb.dll file in a Windows 10 environment with the Arduino IDE. When that file is added to the avrdude bin folder,...
I had issues with 777777 from .readNumber( ) statements in trigger events when I had page switching code in the touch release event from the button press which sent the...
`void sgt (int8_t B)` `void sfilt (bool B)` `uint16_t sg_result ()` These Stallguard functions are all Public Member Functions inherited from TMC2130Stepper. It is indeed possible to use Stallguard with...
Typically, I have first monitored the running stepper and determined the sg_result value when running and when stalled. Then in the application I have read the sg_result and compared it...