TMCStepper copied to clipboard
class TMC5160Stepper' has no member named 'SGTHRS
What is a replacement for this in TMC5160?
and driver.VACTUAL(50000); and driver.SG_VALUE() this two also.
Same problem. Can't do anything with stallguard
void sgt (int8_t B)
void sfilt (bool B)
uint16_t sg_result ()
These Stallguard functions are all Public Member Functions inherited from TMC2130Stepper. It is indeed possible to use Stallguard with the TMC5160.
Thank you. Could you give me an example on how to use that? maybe I can send you the code to take a look at? I would be very grateful!
Typically, I have first monitored the running stepper and determined the sg_result value when running and when stalled. Then in the application I have read the sg_result and compared it to a value and if it's less than that value I call it a stall detected.
If you want to post some code for review, do it here, and make a minimal, reproducible, example which demonstrates your issue.
Thank you! I am using Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2
The code:
` #include <TMCStepper.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #include <SPI.h>
#define EN_PIN 33 // Enable #define CS_PIN 15 // Chip select #define STEP_PIN 32 // Step #define DIR_PIN 14 // Direction #define SW_MOSI 19 // Software Master Out Slave In (MOSI) #define SW_MISO 21 // Software Master In Slave Out (MISO) #define SW_SCK 5 // Software Slave Clock (SCK) #define R_SENSE 0.075f // stepper driver TMC5160 specific #define STALL_PIN 27 // Connected to DIAG_0 #define STALL_VALUE 15 TMC5160Stepper driver = TMC5160Stepper(CS_PIN, R_SENSE, SW_MOSI, SW_MISO, SW_SCK); AccelStepper stepper = AccelStepper(stepper.DRIVER, STEP_PIN, DIR_PIN);
constexpr uint32_t stepper_motor_standard_steps_per_rotation = 200; int micro_step = 32; int MaxSpeed = 5000; int Acceleration = 1000;
unsigned long lastMonitorTime = 0; // Variable to store the last time the monitoring was performed unsigned long monitorInterval = 1000; // Interval for monitoring in milliseconds
void setup() { SPI.begin(); Serial.begin(115200);
pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH); pinMode(STALL_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); //Adafruit ESP32 feather V2 internal pull up pinMode(EN_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN_PIN, LOW); // Enable driver in hardware pinMode(STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);
Serial.println(); Serial.print("DRV_STATUS=0x"); Serial.println(driver.DRV_STATUS(), HEX); Serial.println(driver.IOIN());
driver.begin(); driver.rms_current(700); driver.en_pwm_mode(false); driver.pwm_autoscale(false); driver.microsteps(micro_step);
stepper.setMaxSpeed(MaxSpeed); stepper.setAcceleration(Acceleration); stepper.setEnablePin(EN_PIN); stepper.setPinsInverted(false, false, true); stepper.enableOutputs();
// stepper specs Serial.print("Default stepper motor steps per rotation: "); Serial.println(stepper_motor_standard_steps_per_rotation);
float steps_per_rotation = driver.microsteps() * stepper_motor_standard_steps_per_rotation; Serial.print("Steps per Rotation: "); Serial.println(steps_per_rotation);
Serial.print("micro step: "); Serial.println(micro_step);
Serial.print("Max Speed (steps per second): "); Serial.println(stepper.maxSpeed());
Serial.print("Acceleration (steps per second): "); Serial.println(Acceleration);
float speed_rpm = (stepper.maxSpeed() / (steps_per_rotation / micro_step)) * 60.0; Serial.print("Max Speed (RPM): "); Serial.println(speed_rpm);
void loop() { if (stepper.distanceToGo() == 0) { stepper.disableOutputs(); delay(1000);
// Check the current direction and move accordingly
if (stepper.currentPosition() == 0) {
} else {
}; // Check if it's time to perform monitoring unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - lastMonitorTime >= monitorInterval) { // Update the last monitoring time lastMonitorTime = currentMillis;
// Perform monitoring
} }
void performMonitoring() {
Serial.println(); Serial.print(".cs_actual: "); Serial.println(driver.cs_actual());
Serial.print("sg_result: "); Serial.println(driver.sg_result(), DEC);
Serial.print("cs2rms(driver.cs_actual): "); Serial.println(driver.cs2rms(driver.cs_actual()), DEC);
Serial.print("sg_result < STALL_VALUE: "); Serial.println(driver.sg_result() < STALL_VALUE, DEC);
When i hold the motor with my hand
The strange thing is that i do get a SG_result but only when I restart the esp32