TMCStepper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TMCStepper copied to clipboard

class TMC5160Stepper' has no member named 'SGTHRS

Open MarkEvens opened this issue 1 year ago • 7 comments

What is a replacement for this in TMC5160?

and driver.VACTUAL(50000); and driver.SG_VALUE() this two also.

MarkEvens avatar Sep 27 '23 11:09 MarkEvens

Same problem. Can't do anything with stallguard

WillemBrx avatar Jan 23 '24 13:01 WillemBrx

void sgt (int8_t B) void sfilt (bool B) uint16_t sg_result ()

These Stallguard functions are all Public Member Functions inherited from TMC2130Stepper. It is indeed possible to use Stallguard with the TMC5160.

cattledogGH avatar Jan 27 '24 07:01 cattledogGH

Thank you. Could you give me an example on how to use that? maybe I can send you the code to take a look at? I would be very grateful!

WillemBrx avatar Jan 27 '24 17:01 WillemBrx

Typically, I have first monitored the running stepper and determined the sg_result value when running and when stalled. Then in the application I have read the sg_result and compared it to a value and if it's less than that value I call it a stall detected.

If you want to post some code for review, do it here, and make a minimal, reproducible, example which demonstrates your issue.

cattledogGH avatar Jan 27 '24 20:01 cattledogGH

Thank you! I am using Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2

The code:

` #include <TMCStepper.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #include <SPI.h>

#define EN_PIN 33 // Enable #define CS_PIN 15 // Chip select #define STEP_PIN 32 // Step #define DIR_PIN 14 // Direction #define SW_MOSI 19 // Software Master Out Slave In (MOSI) #define SW_MISO 21 // Software Master In Slave Out (MISO) #define SW_SCK 5 // Software Slave Clock (SCK) #define R_SENSE 0.075f // stepper driver TMC5160 specific #define STALL_PIN 27 // Connected to DIAG_0 #define STALL_VALUE 15 TMC5160Stepper driver = TMC5160Stepper(CS_PIN, R_SENSE, SW_MOSI, SW_MISO, SW_SCK); AccelStepper stepper = AccelStepper(stepper.DRIVER, STEP_PIN, DIR_PIN);

constexpr uint32_t stepper_motor_standard_steps_per_rotation = 200; int micro_step = 32; int MaxSpeed = 5000; int Acceleration = 1000;

unsigned long lastMonitorTime = 0; // Variable to store the last time the monitoring was performed unsigned long monitorInterval = 1000; // Interval for monitoring in milliseconds

void setup() { SPI.begin(); Serial.begin(115200);

pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH); pinMode(STALL_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); //Adafruit ESP32 feather V2 internal pull up pinMode(EN_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN_PIN, LOW); // Enable driver in hardware pinMode(STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);

Serial.println(); Serial.print("DRV_STATUS=0x"); Serial.println(driver.DRV_STATUS(), HEX); Serial.println(driver.IOIN());

driver.begin(); driver.rms_current(700); driver.en_pwm_mode(false); driver.pwm_autoscale(false); driver.microsteps(micro_step);

stepper.setMaxSpeed(MaxSpeed); stepper.setAcceleration(Acceleration); stepper.setEnablePin(EN_PIN); stepper.setPinsInverted(false, false, true); stepper.enableOutputs();

// stepper specs Serial.print("Default stepper motor steps per rotation: "); Serial.println(stepper_motor_standard_steps_per_rotation);

float steps_per_rotation = driver.microsteps() * stepper_motor_standard_steps_per_rotation; Serial.print("Steps per Rotation: "); Serial.println(steps_per_rotation);

Serial.print("micro step: "); Serial.println(micro_step);

Serial.print("Max Speed (steps per second): "); Serial.println(stepper.maxSpeed());

Serial.print("Acceleration (steps per second): "); Serial.println(Acceleration);

float speed_rpm = (stepper.maxSpeed() / (steps_per_rotation / micro_step)) * 60.0; Serial.print("Max Speed (RPM): "); Serial.println(speed_rpm);


void loop() { if (stepper.distanceToGo() == 0) { stepper.disableOutputs(); delay(1000);

// Check the current direction and move accordingly
if (stepper.currentPosition() == 0) {
} else {


}; // Check if it's time to perform monitoring unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - lastMonitorTime >= monitorInterval) { // Update the last monitoring time lastMonitorTime = currentMillis;

// Perform monitoring

} }

void performMonitoring() {

Serial.println(); Serial.print(".cs_actual: "); Serial.println(driver.cs_actual());

Serial.print("sg_result: "); Serial.println(driver.sg_result(), DEC);

Serial.print("cs2rms(driver.cs_actual): "); Serial.println(driver.cs2rms(driver.cs_actual()), DEC);

Serial.print("sg_result < STALL_VALUE: "); Serial.println(driver.sg_result() < STALL_VALUE, DEC);



WillemBrx avatar Jan 28 '24 20:01 WillemBrx


When i hold the motor with my hand image

WillemBrx avatar Jan 28 '24 20:01 WillemBrx

The strange thing is that i do get a SG_result but only when I restart the esp32 image

WillemBrx avatar Jan 28 '24 20:01 WillemBrx