This happened to me as well: > gwas_S=runsusie(gwas,n = unique(gwas$N),L = 10, max_iter = 2500,verbose=TRUE,coverage = 0.99, min_abs_corr = sqrt(0.4),refine = T) running max iterations: 2500 [1] "objective:-16969.693590593" [1] "objective:-16969.6211774467"...
> str(gwas) List of 12 $ snp : chr [1:1392] "chr6:31413077:G:T" "chr6:31413120:C:T" "chr6:31413166:G:A" "chr6:31413173:C:T" ... $ chromosome: num [1:1392] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ......
I have the same question. Does the package use plink for logistic regression analysis?