Jean byroot Boussier

Results 96 issues of Jean byroot Boussier

So as far as I can tell, Dalli's pipelining support is limited to the `#quiet` method which prevent to get the commands results. ### Use case In Rails' `MemCacheStore` I'd...

Fix: ### Context Ref: We noticed that Google Cloud Storage's ruby library performance on download was heavily impacted by CPU usage on the host, especially for big files....

Comparing the names is much less efficient than comparing the instance directly. It may also change in the future:

This plays better with bootsnap and such, and ensure code won't be loaded twice. I looked in the history why `load` was used, but couldn't find any reason. cc @boazsegev

It would be nice if not all examples were very CPU heavy. One thing that is often hard to teach about the GVL is when things can actually happen in...

help wanted
good first issue

Since the extconf.rb pass `-Werror`, the gem won't compile. ``` $ ruby --version ruby 3.1.0dev (2021-10-06T06:42:37Z master d53493715c) [x86_64-darwin20] $ gem install thrift Building native extensions. This could take a...


The various `LogSubscriber` subclasses tend to subscribe to events but then end up doing nothing if the log level is high enough. But even if we end up not logging,...


This isn't quite working yet, there is a case failing with Builder. I'll get back to it tomorrow but opening a draft now in case someone may have early feedback...


The only difference between all the `Message` classes is just their `descriptor` instance variable. So rather than create an entirely new class from scratch every time we can simply inherit...

release notes: yes

I'm trying to figure out why Protobuf is causing such a memory overhead in our application. I'm using ObjectSpace.dump_all to inspect the heap, but unfortunately since protobuf objects reference each...

release notes: yes