Jean byroot Boussier

Results 159 comments of Jean byroot Boussier

> Is there anything I can do to help get this PR out and get the string/symbol prefix complete? This PR is very outdated, but if you feel like submitting...

Weird, this should work. Sounds like a bug.

> My understanding of the redis-rb implementation is that the pipelined call returns an array of responses to each command, in the order in which they were invoked on the...

Seems like the quiet mode is to simplify the client work, and to avoid sending useless NOT_FOUND responses: > You can also do the naive thing and send n pipelined...

Ok, so I started looking at implementing this, and I must admit it's a lot more work that I initially envisioned, but more importantly it would require either an heavy...

Also for the record my quick experiment branch is there:

The code looks ok, however it's been a very long while since I worked with this. One thing I wonder is that normally you get this library working by setting...

> but won't `validates_uniqueness_of` do a select before an insert regardless of whether an index exists, or what kind of index might be there? Yes, I'm questioning wether you already...

Hum, that would be tricky to fix. The whole issue is that when using bound values like this, we don't know what the value is for, and if it's used...

Yeah it totally makes sense as a use case, I just don't see how we could actually support it without reopening the vulnerability. I think in this case since offset...