
Results 45 issues of Casper

This is useful, if someone wants to use the model instead of the parameters, or if someone would want to deploy the model they get out of nested cross-validation.

good first issue

Examples of neural networks (tensorflow with keras), scikit-learn estimators and other popular packages out there (XGBoost, LightGBM etc..)


Use this code to see why it won't work; matrices are of different dimensions. ```python def _predict_and_score(self, X_test, y_test): #XXX: Implement type_of_target(y) if(self.predict_proba): y_type = type_of_target(y_test) if(y_type in ('binary')): pred...


Log file [championify.log.txt]( Config file: ```json { "prefs_version": "2.1.5", "locale": "en", "install_path": "C:/Riot Games/League Of Legends/", "champ_path": "Config/Champions/", "local_is_version": "9.8", "options": { "splititems": false, "skillsformat": true, "consumables": true, "consumables_position": "end",...

I want to request the ability to adjust the margin while backtesting. **Why is this important?** When implementing a strategy, there are periods where we want to have less or...


When both inputs are zero or null, it will always say there is a cross below and never a cross above on two series of data. ```python ta.cross(df.conversion_line, df.base_line, above=True)...

Hi @Belval I have developed an application using the Windows OS, but now I want to deploy it on Linux. Unfortunately, no matter how I install poppler and pdf2image, I...

I'm on Overleaf, using pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2017.7.12) My setup is that I do this for every chapter: ``` \chapter{Implementation} \import*{chapters/}{implementation.tex} ``` But if I...

package clash

Hi @fukuball, love the project. Got a question about the calculations! When you say the following: > Account for missing trait_types of an NFT. > Account for the trait_count of...

Hi, I am wondering if we can support CVD? Or if anyone else has a working CVD? Reference below for a nice CVD indicator:

help wanted
good first issue