
Results 74 comments of Casper

Notebook with short example created in dev branch. Expand before merge

Recently added a regression example and two classification examples.

More extensive examples with many libraries should be added before this is closed.

Hi @hjdddzaa, this is perhaps a bug. The scraping of comments was kind of hard to implement, but if you want, you can try to fix it. I just looked...

I really have no idea. I don't follow their APIs, I just use this tool.

I thought I was the only one having this problem. Just set resample=False and it is fixed, but then you cannot use resampling for your plots.

I implemented a quick fix for when values are null. The real solution to this bug should also include if both are zero. ```python def cross(series_a, series_b, asint=True, above=True): #...

> Hello @casperbh96, > > Right. I am aware of this and Issue #500. Does your fix also help resolve #500? Also I am trying to improve performance for future...

I was just looking for this exact thing. A more general description I found is below. @Rapptz any idea if this will be supported?

The real question is why we do not have a handler or state of the manager that says `stream_is_crashing` is true. If we had that, we could easily recover the...