Casey Rodarmor

Results 283 comments of Casey Rodarmor

I think it would actually work. Bare integers default to u32, so the impl for u32 woudl have been invoked. I tried it out, and this prints `Hello, world!`: ```...

Would this be a big change to support in criterion? It would be nice to have all our benchmarks be criterion benchmarks, for consistency, and since there are other useful...

I refactored the example into a `TlsAcceptor` struct that can be passed to `axum_server::Server::acceptor`: ``` use async_rustls::rustls::Session; use clap::ArgGroup; use futures::future::BoxFuture; use futures::future::FutureExt; use futures::future::TryFutureExt; use rustls_acme::{acme::ACME_TLS_ALPN_NAME, caches::DirCache, AcmeConfig}; use...

I think that would be a great idea. This code is pretty short, but it was extremely hard to get the types right, so it would be pretty helpful to...

Nice! I just opened a [draft PR]( that replaces the acceptor I wrote with the one in `0.4.0-beta1`. Looks like it works! I deployed it to [a test server]( and...

btw, the author of redb just added benchmarks vs rocksdb, and it looks like it's way faster:

I think this might be the underlying issue:

I'm trying to dynamically link, but getting new errors: ``` : ROCKSDB_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/homebrew/include ROCKSDB_LIB_DIR=/opt/homebrew/lib cargo build --locked --release Downloaded configure_me_codegen v0.4.1 Downloaded 1 crate (29.5 KB) in 0.38s Compiling syn v1.0.81...

Looks like 7.4.3: ``` $ brew info rocksdb rocksdb: stable 7.4.3 (bottled), HEAD Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage /opt/homebrew/Cellar/rocksdb/7.4.3 (141 files, 39.5MB) * Poured from bottle on...

That would be good too, but I especially want to see what the output of complex C constructs look like, which would be kind of annoying to have to type.