Carlos Verdes

Results 15 issues of Carlos Verdes

### I'm Submitting a ... ``` [ ] Bug report [x ] Tool/language/etc documentation request ``` ### Tool/Language/etc I recommend this tool for screenshots, really helpful for me! ![image](

From your implementation LinkValue only support 4 types of params: ```scala sealed trait LinkParam final case class Rel(value: String) extends LinkParam final case class Rev(value: String) extends LinkParam final case...

It would be amazing to include support for Link on http4s

The transition callbacks should receive and instance of the fsm event handler and the state from/to: ```js function onOpen(eh: EventHandler, from: State, to: State): Promise { console.log("onOpen..."); return eh.dispatch(Events.openComplete); }...

One of the main reasons to use a FSM is to protect the internal state of the model (the context). Normally the context is defined inside the FSM and is...

Would be really nice to have conditional transitions. Normally in a FSM you can define more than one transition for the same state/event and depending on the condition one transition...

Sometimes in a FSM is needed to just do something not on the transition but when you enter or exit one state. Would be nice to add this functionality. Good...

Taking an enum like this: ```scala enum Credentials: case UserPassword(username: String, password: String) case Token(jwt: String) ``` I need to be able to parse the next 2 jsons: ```json {"username":...

Hi, I have a server that is responding with a http chunked response to load data as it's available (also it reduces the consumption of memory on the server):

**Description** I would like to have a parser for RFC 8141 URNs. **Example** We can see an example implementation on the next library: ```scala URN urn2 = URN.rfc8141().parse("urn:examle:foo/1234?=cq=cz#bar"); //...