Carlos Verdes

Results 17 comments of Carlos Verdes

It would be amazing to close this issue :)

I'm trying to find the code from @jyoo980 to complete the tests

This issue can be closed, to make it work you just need to add this option on scalaC: ```scala ThisBuild / scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Yretain-trees") ``` Thanks @mprihoda for pointing into...

Map is only an example to show the expected output, it's obviously not a good practice to load full document in memory

I end up with something like that (but there are lot of things to improve: ```scala given credentialsDecoder: JsonDecoder[Credentials] = new JsonDecoder[Credentials]: override def unsafeDecode(trace: List[JsonError], in: RetractReader): Credentials =...

I may be missing something but... what is the version I should add as dependency? I'm trying this: ```scala object Versions: val zioHttpV = "2.0-RC11" object Libraries: val zioHttp =...

Thanks @jakubjanecek for that answer, however I found the API is different on zHTTP so I cloned this repo and made a `publishLocal` to unblock myself Is there any tentative...

Just in case is helpful I had to do the next steps to publish in local: 1 - edit the scala version to Scala3 2 - set publishSettings(true) for zioHttpLogging...

The problem with the stable version (correct me if I'm wrong) is that it has the old API and last time I could not find the documentation, that's why I'm...

Some proposal: ```scala implicit val linkReader = ConfigReader.fromCursor[Link] { cur => for { linkString