Canh Tran
Canh Tran
Hi @ileitch , Can we ask if there is any progress on this issue so far? Or you can provide us a hint or suggestion to contribute to this?
I guess the problem is similar with this: We also have `.S` file in our `MMKVCore`. _(openssl_aesv8-armx.S, openssl_aes-armv4.S)_
Hi @lingol , I've create a temporary fix in this PR: And confirm that it fixes the `Rebuild from Bitcode` issue. But my fix is to disable the `MMKV_DISABLE_CRYPT`...
- I don't think there is a difference between using the default Bitcode enable when creating a new project and the old project. Bitcode is optional as Apple said, and...
Here are the steps: 1. Clone the MMKV repo. 2. Open MMKVDemo project and select MMKVDemo target for iOS. 3. Archive build. 4. Archive completed --> Select Distribute App. 5....
Because my CI/CD supports: `Develop` for internal testing, and `Release` for submitting the build. And I believed all the companies nowadays doing that as well. - For develop: we need...
It should be no issue when Upload to AppStore. **BUT this is blocking us to share the Development build with Testers.** (fastlane ad-hoc will failed) We need to generate Ad-hoc...
I'm getting `pod install` error on M1 Max - Monterey. - Cocoapods 1.11.3 - Tried these solutions but not work at all: + +
``` sudo gem uninstall cocoapods sudo gem install ffi -- --enable-system-libffi brew install cocoapods ``` This one just works for me :)
Hi @ileitch , I think most of the projects which use Development Pod will need this support. Can we start to find the solution?