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Development Pods support
Does library support development pods? I run script, it works properly, but periphery found unused code only in my main target.
Hi @d1mster!
I have just recently tried it and it works for me without issues. The only thing is that the --setup
did not detect the target automatically. My yml file looks like this:
retain_public: true
- DevelopmentPod
- SampleApp
- DevelopmentPod
- SampleApp
- SampleAppTests
- SampleAppUITests
workspace: Soteria/Soteria.xcworkspace
have same question: wonder if we planning to support DevelopmentPod, thanks
basically when seeing my project structure in xcode, it is like below
| MyProject | AppDelegate | Pods | Development Pods | modulePod1 | modulePod2 | modulePod3
if I add modulePod1 's target name into yml file, the error will be
Target 'modulePod1' does not exist in
Hey all, thanks for reporting. I will take a look shortly!
Hi @ileitch , Can we ask if there is any progress on this issue so far? Or you can provide us a hint or suggestion to contribute to this?
Sorry @canhth I've not had time yet to look into this.
Hi @ileitch , I think most of the projects which use Development Pod will need this support. Can we start to find the solution?
Hi, any solution how to use it for Development Pods?
@ileitch Are there any plans to introduce periphery for Development Pods?