The docs generator config seems to be very old and even after updating it it does not produce a usable documentation. Therefore i suggest to remove it.
Currently a MIT transfer does not allow to send additional ETP. This would be required for a transaction in which someone wants to receive ETP in return of MITs. Alice...
Currently a MIT transfer does not allow to send additional ETP or MST. This would be required for a transaction in which someone wants to receive a MST in return...
When creating a MST the user can get a domain certificate that restricts the creation of other MSTs that use the same domain prefix. The domain certificate MVS for example...
The allowed special characters should match the ones used for DNA account names
Avatar names ABC and AbC should not coexist. I suggest to change the existence check to be case insensitive for new avatars. Existing ones can stay.
When subscribing to the transactions of a set of addresses it would be great to add an optional parameter to ask the server to send the past transactions starting from...
The version and lock_time of gettx are formatted as strings but they should be numbers. This also affects the list of transactions in the getblock response. ``` mvs-cli gettx 2a845dfa63a7c20d40dbc4b15c3e970ef36332b367500fd89307053cb4c1a2c1...
there should be a config file option to set the www-root directory
The sendrawtx function should have a flag to deactivate the check for the existence of the previous outputs. All other checks for double spending and transaction validity should still be...