Calvin Metcalf

Results 230 comments of Calvin Metcalf

so if I had to guess this would have to do with some of the ie9 stuff resolving synchronously instead of async so try this again it may have been...

Ok so I need a [fiddle]( from you then that reproduces it

also fyi #97 should in theory help with this (though it depends on the actual problem)

@Fresheyeball this still a problem?

damn that's double bad, I'm going to clone this issue for now, if you (or anyone else) is able to reproduce it I can open it back up.

it is supported, it even avoids using transferable objects if your in a version of IE which flips a shit if you try to use a transferable object.

Maybe change the current api to documentation and do a more formal api page

due to the urls needing to be made absolute we regex them out, make them absolute, and hoiste them to the top of the page, ``` js var componentUrl =...

so in theory this should work on the server, but that requires geocouch which I've been unable to get working on my current computer so haven't been able to test...