Calvin Metcalf

Results 71 issues of Calvin Metcalf

I was looking into a pull to support the yes command but it doesn't look like cash supports streaming of large output streams, one could simulate the yes command in...

moved from #1 Could add a point value to words, or just put them in groups with the same bullshit level, and modify the bs value based on the proximity...


adds basic compatibility with some browserify idioms, process.browser to check if we are in the browser or not, and global as a shortcut to whatever the global object happens to...

The rsa calculations can be speed up by using the [Chinese remainder theorem]( instead of just a the [straight forward modpow]( In my own library this caused speeds to more...


how do we want to handle the difference between x,y, x,y,z, x,y,z,w (someone could conceivably want a 4th digit for something like time). Possibilities - WKT style: use templates or...


basic geo types need to be defined, some basics - point, line and poygons - how to deal with multi versions, separate type or points/line/polygon always store the type in...


Arn't they actually December 31st 1899 or something similar slightly off. Due to leap year bug or something.

Ok just spent a couple hours debuging a problem that turned out to be due to this module doing exactly that it claimed it would do. Basically since the precaching...

The times I need autocomplete (as opposed to a select) are when I have huge amounts of data in a database (either remote or in browser), the ability to specify...