Calvin Metcalf

Results 230 comments of Calvin Metcalf

yeah I havn't gotten around to updating this to node 10, I probably will at some point

ok so if have a set of pyramid tiles in an xyz format and you need to access them in cad or desktop GIS that you can use this to...

When I try something similar on `2.1.0` on linux, installed with conda I get `Encountered an error: No driver for s3://your_bucket/*` when I try to run a build.

@tlhunter fyi when you stream a query out of postgres is uses cursors

not a bad idea, the way point xy is distinct from point xyz fits well with rust fyi ogc has the same types as geojson (Point,LineString,Polygon,MultiPoint,MultiLineString,MultiPolygon,GeometryCollection) plus a few more...

yeah m is rarely used, wkb specifically is pretty down to earth and is something we could translate into rust pretty easily

I wrote an [express module]( for getting a wms/wmts service out of an xyz tile endpoint, probably wouldn't be able to use it directly but should help you avoid some...

so the actual issue is about updating levelup to version 2.0.0, a pull request doing so and making sure the tests pass would go a long way to helping this...

actually I take it back, updating it to 0.19.1 would probably do the trick

are you running this in the console or as a script ?