In order for Cake.Recipe to be compatible with Cake version 2.0.0, each and every referenced addin must support Cake 2.0.0. This issue will be used to track the full list...
Reference to dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool 4.8.5 in toolsettings.cake should be updated to 4.8.6
This pull request was created by a tool: Cake.AddinDiscoverer version 3.42.1 Resolves #585
Reference to 0.7.0 in toolsettings.cake should be updated to 1.0.0
Reference to GitVersion.CommandLine 5.0.1 in toolsettings.cake should be updated to 5.3.7
This pull request was created by a tool: Cake.AddinDiscoverer version 3.42.1 Resolves #587
This pull request was created by a tool: Cake.AddinDiscoverer version 4.4.0 Resolves #938
Reference to xunit.runner.console 2.4.1 in toolsettings.cake should be updated to 2.4.2
This pull request was created by a tool: Cake.AddinDiscoverer version 4.4.0 Resolves #936
Reference to ReportGenerator 4.8.7 in toolsettings.cake should be updated to 5.1.10