Caio Viturino
Caio Viturino
If you have a single GPU, just set os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] in file to str(0) ``` os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(0) ``` and make sure you have tensorflow-gpu installed.
Just found out that unity updated this in 2022.2.0 version: - Physics: Enabled the option to extend angular limits for Hinge Joint. Gooren says in this [post]( that: "Currently, HingeJoint...
ZeroSim is working with Unity 2022.2.5f1 (I just tested the controller manager service). In this version we have Extended Limits option but it is not working properly. Even if we...
The articulation body allows joint angles more than 180 and less than -180. My recomendation is to remove all the hinge joints from robot manipulators in example scenes like the...
I'm also interested.
@Alexander0Yang, the answer given in this issue #12 is not working. Anyone can help us visualizing the training results?
Did you have any error related to the change in `joint_group_position_controller`? When I change from `position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController` to `velocity_controllers/JointGroupVelocityController` the following error appears when I try to launch `ur5.launch` ``` Could...