
Results 216 comments of cabo

Added some urgency to the contact bug:

> @cabo I think the issue with spaces in breakpoints of text output has been fixed since [v3.20.0]( > > ``` > [C] International Organization for Standardization, > "Information technology...

> Can you explain the unnecessary early line breaks in HTML? Because I'm not seeing any. _Maybe the whole URL could have moved to the next line._ > > And...

The -04 renderings linked above apparently were made with 3.20.1, while the -03 ones (which also exhibit these weirdnesses) were made with 3.20.0. Oh, and the U+2028 that I introduced...

This is how looks like in Safari Version 17.4.1 (19618. Looks similar. Maybe this is indeed an artifact of browser line breaking preferring line-breaking after the hyphen; let's focus...

(This is what I get in Safari with a narrow window. Weird.)

You can use ``` ~~~ math ... ~~~ ``` to invoke asciitex and tex2svg (display equations). Please see -- I probably should add an example there. In today's xml2rfc,...

One draft that shows how math can be done today: The in-line plaintext is a bit hard to read as `_` is used both for subscript and for...

Oh, and the hack noted above lets you write `a ⋅ x` and `x ≥ 0` in the plaintext version.

> but I understand that any change might require updates to the RFC specifying the xml format. The restriction is not specified in any RFC.