
Results 67 issues of cabo

Hi, is this an active implementation, or has it been superseded by others? (This is also being discussed in .)

(Comments work in h'...' byte strings.)

Currently, struct cn_cbor keeps uint/sint as "unsigned long". This is for applications that don't really need 64-bit integers. However, some do; there should be a configuration option to enable this.

e.g., (ws->offset + (sz) >= ws->size) (in ensure_writable) This is unlikely to occur in normal practice, but could be used in an attack. deprecated (and finally removed in Ruby 3.0) the extension to by open-uri. This breaks line 13 of certified-update. A maximally backward compatible fix is: -open(CERT_BUNDLE_URL) do |remote_file| +URI(CERT_BUNDLE_URL).open... fails, because the docker image does not contain `tex2mail`. Now the usage of tex2mail in [that document]( is a bit of a joke, but in other documents there are...


> make tag -s draft-ietf-rats-uccs-00 > git push origin draft-ietf-rats-uccs-00 worked great, but where to put the "replaces" info?