
Results 216 comments of cabo

> @cabo is there an inherent timeout somewhere when kramdown-rfc2629 processes its input? Only for bibxml fetches. > I added the required software to the CI run for i-d-template, and...

It may be worth pointing out that kramdown-rfc memoizes svg tool invocations, so whether this runs through in milliseconds locally may not be a useful comparison with processing a fresh...

Oh. I already get a ton of ``` draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis.xml(1960): Warning: Duplicate attribute id="E1-STIXWEBNORMALI-1D462" found after including svg from inline:b'

Hmm, these fonts seem to be installed with mathjax: Asana-Math Gyre-Pagella Gyre-Termes Latin-Modern Neo-Euler STIX-Web TeX (The argument --font STIX is translated to STIX-Web.) (On my system it's under `lib/node_modules/mathjax-node-cli/node_modules/mathjax/fonts/HTML-CSS`...

Can you save the XML?

Everything in svg_tool_process is memoized. There should be nothing in that cache on a CI system, no? But on your local laptop, you'll need to remove files with names like...

In principle, the XML should be preserved by making it .SECONDARY and checking in a version to gh-pages. I'm not a registered pilot in that Makefile jungle, though...

Apart from the debugging support that would help here, the XML is very useful to have around if you have further processes running from that, e.g., ``` xpath rfc8152.xml "//artwork[@type='CDDL']/text()"...

BTW, just pushed 1.3.18 with v3 dl/dt/dd; this should fix some of the artifacts in 8312bis

... and of course runs into the contact bug. You'll need a workaround for ``` {{{β}{}}}cubic: : CUBIC multiplication decrease factor as described in {{mult-dec}} ``` until that is fixed,...