David Baldwin
David Baldwin
We have a base application on which several client extension apps depend. For now, we have to maintain two versions of this base app--same app id, different code base. We...
Is there a procedure to get around this problem: I run Publish to Environment, which fails due to an authentication error. I fix the authentication error (refresh the impersonation token)...
We have a core app that we deploy to all clients, and maintain. Eventually it will be in AppSource, but for now we deploy directly. This lives in a GitHub/AL-Go...
Data prompt for Publish to Environment says `App version to deploy to environment(s) (current, prerelease, draft, latest or version number)` Do these versions apply only to builds of the selected...
Running localDevEnv.ps1 for a repo with a dependency on our main app. The script seems to be generating the download URL from the app.json file. But no matter what I...
We are still trying to wrap our heads around the versioning flow. Along the way, we were making code changes and checking them in, and seeing pull requests and CI/CD...
We are running into an obstacle that is preventing us from publishing to a couple of environments: Deploying to xxx failed. Status Code 422 : Unprocessable Entity A duplicate package...