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Publish to Environment - version selection question
Data prompt for Publish to Environment says
App version to deploy to environment(s) (current, prerelease, draft, latest or version number)
Do these versions apply only to builds of the selected branch or can they also refer to release names? Could "current" refer both to the most recent version of the app and to a release named "current"?
Additionally, where is the app version number in question located? app.json?
Can there be more than one "version" of the selected branch?
AL-Go would never expect a release called current - as you would have to delete that and re-create that again and again. A release should have a version number.
The "magic" words you mention translate to:
- latest is the latest successful build (of the branch in which the Publish is running)
- current is the latest released version (i.e. the current version on the market) - not branch specific
- prerelease is the latest pre-release version - not branch specific
- draft is the latest draft version - not branch specific
The version number is the version number of the artifacts generated (controlled by the repoVersion setting) in the branch in which the publish is running.
3.0.432.0 in the above list.
Currently, you cannot deploy an old release to an environment
Okay, first: "AL-Go would never expect a release called current - as you would have to delete that and re-create that again and again." Hilarious because that is exactly what I have been doing, only using the label "latest" instead of "current." We will stop doing that now...
Second: I did not realize these were "magic" terms--i.e., that they incorporated intelligence about what they are referring to. So there is still some clarification needed. Namely, "latest" refers to a build, whereas all the others refer to releases--is that correct?
Third: So far I only knew about artifacts associated with a release. I see where there is a tab for Artifacts in the Action runs, but I can't seem to find any that actually have Artifacts in them. So there must be only a subset of Actions that actually create build artifacts? Is there a quick way to find what the "latest" artifacts are?
Looks like I should check for these names of releases and throw an error...:-) On artifacts - only the CI/CD workflow produces useful artifacts.
So--looking at the parameter prompts for Create Release: if I give a release a name of "v22.2", does it still automatically get the label of "latest" in that green oblong circle?
And does "current" in the Publish to Environment actually refer to a Release labeled "latest"? Here it seems that "latest" refers to the app builds--NOT--the release with that "latest" label--where all the others refer to Releases. Correct ?
current refers to the latest release - i.e. the release with the highest version number - i.e. the release shown on github:
Okay. I get it--I was thrown off by the correspondence between "latest" as a build reference, and "Latest" as an automatically-supplied release label. But now I have your explanations to refer to when I run one of these Actions. Thank you for your patience.
and thanks for pointing out the reason for this misunderstanding I will also create a chapter in the workshop about releases...
Yes please!! Obviously I need it! Very welcome!