Jón Levy

Results 16 comments of Jón Levy

hey! It's definitely not blocker. But in a working environment with multiple departments with scoped ADRs a custom name would be an enhancement, that's all.

This would likely also help with using NetGuard with ProtonVPN.

PR: https://github.com/XML-Security/signxml/pull/118

Text POST-ed to greynir API: > Áherslan var lögð á óeðlilegar tilfærslur eigna í aðdraganda inngrips ríkisins í Glitni. Í þeirri vinnu voru tvær mismunandi dagsetningar sérstaklega notaðar til viðmiðunar....

Thanks for the quick reply 😄 .. and for sharing.

This will fix my issue in the meantime: https://github.com/respectTheCode/node-caspar-cg/blob/master/lib/connection.js#L192

Just read this issue, I guess I could AMCP customCommand? https://github.com/SuperFlyTV/casparcg-connection/issues/54#issuecomment-275159402

Hey, sounds great 🙌🏼 Right, so this is probably a hybrid of some sort, between [pre-release denotation](https://semver.org/#spec-item-9) and build-identifiers. I guess both could be implemented but perhaps start with build-ids....

That would fit the requirements. I guess the identifier would mostly be used as a passthrough from the build services but I'm sure that there are scenarios where you just...