Jón Levy

Results 18 comments of Jón Levy

a simpler approach would be to offer templates for common providers, e.g. Github, Gitlab, since we have access to loads env variables already in the pipelines.

ahh! even better to use something conventional 🙌 will create a PR soon.

> One note we observed when Lambda is a Python function using `boto3`: it appears `boto3` does not use the endpoint names expected by lambda when inside a VPC. >...

> I have configured an OpenID Connect identity provider in my user pool, but the button is not showing in the authenticator. It does however show up in the hosted...

@debnet just installed your fork, is there anything that should be added to the code for this to work? I´m still only seeing the _options_ method.

Small update to @estyh script for this to work with Next 13 since `target` was deprecated from the Next config and no `serverless` dir is created see: https://github.com/serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js/blob/ca7f7f72e3b1e5fcb49ffc4a3f6d6f629e644b20/packages/libs/lambda-at-edge/src/build.ts#L94 Renaming the...