Yves Delley
Yves Delley
Hi krtko1, thanks for this PR! While I haven't recently worked with this code, I recall that `Literal` allows you to use any LaTeX you wish as a output-decimal-marker, including...
Please refer to the documentation of the [original LaTeX `siunitx` package](http://www.pirbot.com/mirrors/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/siunitx/siunitx.pdf), as this project is supposed to be an exact mapping of that package to MathJax. According to that documentation,...
Ah, I see. Unfortunately, `\sisetup` isn't implemented yet. A basic implementation would probably be quite simple, as the optionparser is already there, one simply needs to update the global defaults....
Unforutnately, that's unlikely going to happen anytime soon.
That must have been a change post the migration out of the MathJax-third-party-extensions repo. I didn't have time to spend on this project since then. If you make a PR,...
@padawanphysicist: The typesetting with `\times` notation is already implemented and should be working. Therefore, I suspect the problem is with the parser not properly picking up the combination of bracketed...
Please excuse me shamelessly asking this only partially-related question here: In a fork of cppcoro (sorry, not published yet - still far too experimental and volatile), I have been toying...
Sorry @GorNishanov, I had completely missed your message. I had done the host-based tests using Clang 8, the bare-metal ARM embedded compilation is done by a slightly patched version of...
@lewissbaker thanks for your detailed answer! I wasn't aware of [P1681r0](http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p1681r0.pdf), thanks for the hint. My understanding from a quick reading is that it is about standard-library elements allowing allocator...
I suggest to follow a branching model like [git-flow](https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/), which makes it much easier for people to see what is work in progress, and what is deployable.