Flynn Bundy
Flynn Bundy
Thanks for reporting this, I will try and replicate this ASAP and make a fix for the next release. Cheers!
Hi @eriklz Thanks for opening the issue! this is indeed a bug, we'll look into solving this one in the next release! Regards, Flynn
On further inspection, the functionality you have described does not exist today. However it *should* work as you have specified above with an approval stage being able to have its...
Thanks for the suggestion, I think it is a great idea to extend/rework the functionality of the protected concept to be more robust. Will add this into a milestone just...
Hi @ErikMeinders, Would you be able to post your .yml file contents in here with the sensitive data removed? This works as intended for me so I am guessing its...
Updating this one to be aligned with 3.0.5 release, docs are to be updated to mention the file must not be empty.. and error handing in yaml parsing should fail...
Hi @eriklz Thanks a bunch for diving into this, very cool to see Jenkins being used as part of ADF. If you would have the time to bundle up your...
Ill add this into the 3.0.5 milestone as I would love to see this working as intended for other Jenkins users.
This would be very much appreciated! Thanks @mdaehnert
This also opens up the chicken egg question here in that we want to send those CloudTrail logs to a logging account *(ideally)* and that we should actually either create...