Hi, this might be a noobish question, but I could not figure out how to write into events.metadata. As I see it, maybe correct me if I am wrong, this...
Hi there, if you dont have any objections, it would be great to add $uploadField->relationAutoSetting = false in GridFieldBulkUpload->bulkUploadField(). See here: https://github.com/arillo/GridFieldBulkEditingTools/commit/82a6d5d0fd48789f6983e3ea3090011e01d4efde This solves problems with gridfields using multiple classes...
Hi there, this fails in dev mode. Where should this $email valiable come from? Maybe just pass it as param to the function. https://github.com/markguinn/silverstripe-email-helpers/blob/1.3.1/code/SmtpMailer.php#L413 Regards Bumbus.
Hi there, may i ask if you could loosen the php constraints ( at the moment >=5.4,
Hi there, it would be very helpful if you could update your github webhook for packagist, it seems like it is only possible to fetch older commits if packagist does...
Hi, I am not sure if you have already tackled this topic: translations. The world has seen some CMSs in the past where the ability to translate things was just...