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The source files for the Buildkite documentation

Results 81 docs issues
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This is an automated PR based on the current GraphQL schema


We had a customer have an issue when trying to download artifacts across builds when using their Artifactory storage. They thought as they configured their environment variables to use their...


In the [documentation for deleting a pipeline]( it says `You can delete a pipeline if you're an administrator of the Buildkite organization or in a team that has Full Access...

We've had a few customers get in touch about reducing duplication of code using YAML anchors to be able to template usage of Plugins for consistency but also wanting to...


This introduces the new cache volumes feature for hosted agents. We currently support two types of caching for hosted agents: path based caching, where a path within a build is...


The agent that builds these images runs buildkit, and we can instruct buildkit to push the images directly to the repository rather than export them to the docker image store...

This removes the section about "multiple tags" as it leads to some confusion about how to target an agent.


Recently we've introduced the ability to control the ordering of build annotations using priority, a customer provided ordering. Priority is an integer value from `1` to `10` with `10` being...


We've had a customer raise some concerns about our current example so adding extra information for security as the current example shows loose config in terms of not showing usage...
