Per the [sqlite3 faq](https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q7) one can simulate the .tables command with a query. I've tried this using the following query in Access with this syntax `SELECT * FROM [ODBC;DSN=SQLite3 Datasource;Database=C:\temp\test.db3].[sqlite_master]`...
UnionStation.csv referenced in the NullByteSpecial.ipynb is not in the repository.
lulu.extension is ignored because of invalid application signature or incorrect provisioning profile
Hi, MacOS 13.0.1 on 2018 Intel 15" MBP Poking around in MacOS log messages for other reasons, and noticed that I'm getting a fair amount of these consistently (15ish per...
Hi, I've over the past few years figured out how to build 32/64 bit ODBC libs using recent SQLite releases, extensions and tools using Visual Studio 2017/2019/2022. I test it...
When I right click and open to bypass the app signature requirement, the app does not open. So in terminal I ran ./sciteqt.app/Contents/MacOS/sciteqt and got the following output: QQmlApplicationEngine failed...
Thanks for putting these webinars together...you don't really know how much work and complexity goes into space telescope images you just see the final image...just poking through the notebooks here...
https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/wiki/Neo4j-4.0-changelog https://neo4j.com/docs/migration-guide/current/surface-changes/#surface-changes-rest-api-deprecation Since ipython-cypher uses neo4jrestclient it is not compatible with Neo4J >= 4.0. Is that a reasonable assessment?