Tom Boettger

Results 10 comments of Tom Boettger

Absolutely! Would you like to create a PR for it? I'd also need to update the frontend project with the respective variable (and visual switch). But that project needs quite...

Has anyone yet noticed that it leads to unusual behavior or even errors? Or is it just a warning that you can ignore?

Possible duplicates

I've noticed it quite a lot of times that the paste on click didn't work when manually opening the menu and selecting the item from the list. Though I can...

Why not simply add the `redirect: "error"` prop if users ask to disable redirects? I don't care about the location and status code. If really necessary I could just use...

> I do. Then use another tool - it's not possible to get that info in a browser. But I showed a way how to disable redirects and to at...

> That's what the proxy and the desktop app are for. The proxy is a browser extension with the same limitation and the desktop app doesn't provide that feature either....

Sorry, I didn't know there was an additional proxy. Had a quick look into it but personally I have no use case to use the proxy so I'd like to...

I also came across this issue because I was wondering about relatively high CPU usage from the Kubelite process. I have about 20-30% load on idle after a fresh install....

@eugenpro how big is the difference for you?