Ben Sykes
Ben Sykes
Same issue just now:
My "work-around" is to have the top-level depend on lerna and the sub-project, mark the sub-project as ignored when bootstrapping and don't hoist. One downside is that it won't use...
Repro available:
Thanks for looking at this. Note that this is an example. In the real use-case I don’t want to hoist everything. Although, I’m not sure if there are any downsides...
I work around this issue with a `version` script in my top-level package.json and use `npm version patch` to set the version of the whole repo, which internally then calls...
Certificates for custom domains are handled differently depending on who your cloud foundry provider is. You should be able to find instructions on their help pages. Let's Encrypt certificates can...
I'll get a trial account and do some testing. I haven't used SAP's CF before so am not familiar with their HTTPS setup.
Ok. Using the CSR with certbot looks promising. Let me know how it goes. On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 9:14 AM bkrencker wrote: > > > See >
Which Cloud Foundry platform are you using? Do the logs provide any clues? If you're working with Bluemix, this repo only works with DEA at the moment. Bluemix has transitioned...
What do you think about using the Python web server to handle all the comms with the service? When pushing the app, we could set a random secret so that...