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Editing existing test loses all previous code snippets
I tried to edit an older perf test today and I'm hitting #236, even though supposedly it was fixed several weeks ago.
Same exact steps as what's described in https://github.com/jsperf/jsperf.com/issues/236#issuecomment-272357458.
Here's the test in question: https://jsperf.com/array-cloning-pure-js-vs-lodash/3. Revision 1 is good. Revisions 2 & 3 both happened by me clicking Edit and then adding one new snippet. After clicking Save and going through the reCAPTCHA, all other snippets from the test were deleted, and only the one newly added snippet was retained (and the top of the form displays "Not all tests inserted").
I think this means Jsperf is impossible to use from a corporate network -- because multiple machines are aggregated into one IP address, you hit the CAPTCHA 100% of the time and thus you hit this bug 100% of the time too.
Update: I hit the captcha from my home Internet connection as well, where I'm the only user. So JSPerf is effectively bricked for me at this point since it's not possible to edit any tests ever...
Same thing form me :/
I'm having the same issue. I've got the prep code but no tests, when the form clearly shows the tests are there. Tried it twice. Seems like a big issue to me.
Same issue just now: https://jsperf.com/all-array-elements-equals