Benoit Stordeur
Benoit Stordeur
Just to be clear this is a "minor" issue in the sense that nothing seems lost, it's just a temporary visual glitch, at least I think?
So this seems to be a side-effect of the smart rotate stuff added in the last version, and in some cases it's quite annoying indeed. With the supplied quake.fgd it'll...
Hah, yeah sorry, muscle-memory, and also still not knowing my left from right. :) I edited the initial post for clarity.
Many people (me included) were using mouse-wheel while RMB is pressed to move around faster by bursts, can't do that anymore cause of the new behaviour. Didn't really expect people...
I feel I've seen enough people complain about this change that it's probably worth switching back and finding another shortcut for speed up/down, maybe just another modifier + mouse-wheel, like...
This would be neat, you'd still have to seal it somehow ideally though if you wanted precision lighting, but I guess even without sealing it would be a good to...
I agree that early iteration can be quite annoying when having to open the Compile UI all the time, then the Launch UI, it's a lot of moving the mouse...
@ericwa I don't think it would break many preexisting maps, because very few mappers actually play with phong angle, mostly just use the boolean, but it's not a huge deal...
Yeah I agree, some force-snap hotkey would be quite handy for this stuff, would make it a lot faster and less finicky. In Maya for instance J is used as...
Agreed, there is almost no situation where you don't want to snap it actually. :)