B. Seeger
B. Seeger
Sorry for all the noise here -- this is really, really minor and I could see an argument for keeping the content type the way it is. The spec is...
I also would really like this feature. Any chance it's coming soon?
Good idea - which way do folks want to go with this? And does 'time' slow any of the commands down? If so, then I'd advocate for this being in...
An alternative method is to provide some default passwords so that it just works out of the box. If they don't replace passwords, then they end up with a working...
I have the same thoughts concerning the default domain name in the local.sh script as well as default information (same as local.env) for the settings.php file. If the user runs...
Hi Mark, can you point me to the docs where this is talked about? Thanks!
I think this might be hard to fix, but it's worth filing a ticket on their repo for it: https://github.com/discoverygarden/islandora_transforms @McFateM - do you mind summarizing it there so that...