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FGS/Solr Config Precludes "Islandora Collection Search" from Working
Issue description
I believe that our current FGS/Solr config in ISLE v1.1 does not work properly with the optional "Islandora Collection Search" module. This module introduces a Solr field typically named "ancestors_ms", and this field is used to identify which collection(s) an object belongs too. In a pristine ISLE v1.1 instance there are warnings in the Fedora logs that I believe are indicative of the system's inability to successfully generate this Solr field in newly ingested or re-indexed objects.
For an issue, describe steps to reproduce the issue
Sorry for the length...
Solr RELS-EXT Warnings
Steps to repeat this error are as follows:
0) Made a fork and local clone
First I forked the ISLE
to, then cloned the ISLE-v1.1
branch of that fork to my staging server,
1) Upgraded my staging server to Docker version 18.09.3, build 774a1f4
2) Cleaned up Docker and confirmed
docker-compose down
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
docker system prune --volumes
Confirmed. No traces of previous Docker elements left.
3) Did a docker-compose up -d
on an UN-MODIFIED clone of ISLE v1.1
The Fedora logs (I viewed them using Portainer) showed this warning, but none others:
Containers > isle-fedora-ld > Logs
Warning: Stylesheet module
file:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/islandora_transforms/RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt is included or imported more than once. This is permitted, but may lead to errors or unexpected behavior
4) Complete the site build
time docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools/
5) Checked the Fedora logs again
Having done NOTHING but spin up the new site, the Fedora logs reported one set of warnings (like the group shown below) for each of the 13 "standard" objects now in the repository.
Containers > isle-fedora-ld > Logs
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,689 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument islandora:personCModel does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,730 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument islandora:sp-audioCModel does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,770 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument fedora-system:ServiceDefinition-3.0 does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,808 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:collectionCModel" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,808 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:collectionCModel" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,808 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:root" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,808 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:root" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-27 23:51:25,904 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument islandora:sp%5Fweb%5Farchive does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
This is the same set of warnings I've been seeing for the past week.
6) Added a random object to the repository
I selected a .png image and added it to the islandora:sp_basic_image
collection. I entered Basic Image Test
as the object's title. A new group of warnings was generated:
Containers > isle-fedora-ld > Logs
WARN 2019-03-28 02:09:55,652 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:sp_basic_image_collection" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:1" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-28 02:09:55,652 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:sp_basic_image_collection" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:1" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-28 02:09:55,663 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:sp_basic_image" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:1" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-28 02:09:55,663 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:sp_basic_image" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:1" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
The new object appears to behave as it should, and in spite of the warnings, it appears to have a full-complement of data in Solr. However, my concern stems from introduction of the Islandora_Collection_Search
module, as it relies on a simple modification to the FGS/Solr config in order to transform and subsequently index 'parent' data gleaned from RELS-EXT. My hypothesis is that these warnings become significant ony if/when the aforementioned module is engaged.
To test this hypothesis I...
7) Added the Islandora_Collection_Search
module to my site
[islandora@dgdockerx ISLE-1]$ docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash
root@ed30a92c1834:/# cd /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/islandora/
root@ed30a92c1834:/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/islandora# git clone
Cloning into 'islandora_collection_search'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 195, done.
remote: Total 195 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 195
Receiving objects: 100% (195/195), 44.24 KiB | 1.34 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (100/100), done.
root@ed30a92c1834:/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/islandora# drush en islandora_collection_search
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_collection_search
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_collection_search was enabled successfully. [ok]
8) Returned to the site as User 1 (Administrator) and added the Islandora Collection Search
The path for making this change was:
I saved the aformentioned block into Sidebar first
and returned home to
The Islandora Collection Search
block appeared in the left-hand sidebar.
9) Used the new search block to look for "test"
This is a Solr search through all collections. It returned one object, my image from Step 6.
10) Configure the Islandora Collection Search
At I accepted the default Ancestor field: ancestors_ms
, set GSearch Endpoint:
, set GSearch User: fgsAdmin
, set GSearch Password: ild_fgs_admin_2018
, and checked ALL of the remaining boxes before concluding by clicking the Configure
button to submit the form.
11) Cleared the Drupal cache and searched again
[islandora@dgdockerx ISLE-1]$ docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash
root@ed30a92c1834:/# cd /var/www/html/sites/default/
root@ed30a92c1834:/var/www/html/sites/default# drush cc all
'all' cache was cleared.
Then I returned to the site and repeated Step 9 for All collections
. Results were the same... my one item was returned.
12) Test again with the object's parent collection selected
Repeating Step 9 but with Basic Image Collection
selected. This returned 0 objects! Me thinks I smell a fish.
13) Turn on generation of ancestors_ms
in foxmlToSolr.xslt
and restart the stack
nano docker-compose.override.yml
Remove the comment markers from the three lines that now read:
- ./config/gsearch/foxmlToSolr.xslt:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/foxmlToSolr.xslt
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
14) Check that foxmlToSolr.xslt
changes are present
[islandora@dgdockerx ISLE-1]$ docker exec -it isle-fedora-ld grep "true()" /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/foxmlToSolr.xslt
<xsl:param name="index_ancestors" select="true()"/>
<xsl:param name="index_ancestors_models" select="true()"/>
15) Re-index all content
Visit and click on updateIndex fromFoxmlFiles
. The screen should show Updated number of index documents: 14
16) Check the Fedora logs in Portainer again
Visit, click on 7 Containers
, and the "logs" icon for isle-fedora-ld
Bad news... more warnings, including:
file:///usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/islandora_transforms/library/traverse-graph.xslt; Line #102; Column #51; Can not load requested doc: The element type "img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</img>".
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,447 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument islandora:personCModel does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,510 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument islandora:sp-audioCModel does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,543 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument fedora-system:ServiceDefinition-3.0 does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,574 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:collectionCModel" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,575 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:collectionCModel" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,575 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:root" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,575 (JodaAdapter) Failed to transform "info:fedora/islandora:root" to something Solr understands. PID: "islandora:newspaper_collection" DSID: "RELS-EXT"
file:///usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/islandora_transforms/library/traverse-graph.xslt; Line #102; Column #51; Can not load requested doc: The element type "img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</img>".
WARN 2019-03-28 02:49:12,828 (OperationsImpl) IndexDocument islandora:sp%5Fweb%5Farchive does not contain any IndexFields!!! RepositoryName=FgsRepos IndexName=FgsIndex
While all of these warnings are troublesome, it's my belief that the Failed to transform...
warnings are what's keeping the sytem from generating the ancestors_ms
field that Solr needs to make Islandora Collection Search
I'll continue this story as I try to find the root cause of these warnings and find a fix for this condition. I'll start with trying to identify and eliminate the original "duplicate" include warning... RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt is included or imported more than once
which is still present in the logs.
What's the expected result?
Newly ingested objects, or those re-indexed using FGS/Solr, should have a populated ancestors_ms
field so that they show up in Solr searches that are restricted to look only within an appropriate parent
collection. This is the primary purpose of the Islandora Collection Search
What's the actual result?
The warnings included in the description above, and no ancestors_ms
field for the module to key on.
Additional details / screenshots
None at this time.
requires specific activation, per
Yes, that's true @noahwsmith. However, I believe that in ISLE v1.1 all of the described edits are already in place, but within ./islandora_transforms/research_data_versions.xslt
the RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt
is included a 2nd was already included "properly" in the unmodified foxmlToSolr.xslt
The Fedora logs warn that /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/islandora_transforms/RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt is included or imported more than once. This is permitted, but may lead to errors or unexpected behavior
I hate it when that happens. I wish this were an ERROR rather than a WARNing. It really should not be tolerated.
I'm going to reset my staging server, re-introduce my "fix", and see what happens. There is still one small bit of mystery here to unravel.
Ok, terrific, so it sounds like the issue might be that this line is extraneous
If this is verifiable we can probably modify that file as it is pulled into the system as we do for these config variables:
Another option would be to submit a patch to DGI and see if they'll update their repo. Cloning an ICG version would just put us on the hook to continue to maintain it.
OK, here's the rest of the story, so far...
17) Eureka! Fixing the "...imported more than once..." appears to have fixed this problem
I found that in a pristine ISLE v1.1 stack RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt
is indeed imported TWICE, once in foxmlToSolr.xslt
and again in islandora_transforms/research_data_versions.xslt
. So, I commented out the import statement within research_data_versions.xslt
, placing my updated copy in ./ISLE/tmp/
, and introduced the following bind-mount into my docker-compose.override.yml
- ./tmp/research_data_versions.xslt:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/islandora_transforms/research_data_versions.xslt
Then I repeated Steps 2 through 16, with abbreviated, updated results posted below.
- Same as before.
- There were NO warnings, zero, nada, zilch, none, this time!
- Same as before.
- The pesky
Failed to transform...
warnings are still present! Maybe those are actually NOT part of this issue? - Added the same
Basic Image Test
object as before. The same four newFailed to transform...
warnings are back. - Same as before, plus a
drush cc all
just for good measure. - Same as before.
- Same as before, my one new object was returned.
- Same as before.
- Same as before, my one new object still returned.
- Same as before, NO objects returned when searching the object's parent collection only.
- Same as before.
- Same as before.
- Same as before.
- All of the
Failed to transform...
warnings are still present, but theLine 102, Column 51...
warnings are gone.
Now, let's see how our Islandora Collection Search
- Searched for "test" in the
Basic Image Collection
and it works, Solr found my object, and it shows that the object now has TWO values in theancestors_ms
field:islandora:sp_basic_image_collection, islandora:root
Commenting out the import "RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt" line in
AND changing<xsl:param name="index_ancestors" select="false()"/>
to<xsl:param name="index_ancestors" select="true()"/>
has the desired effect. I believe these changes should be introduced into the next release of ISLE and reported to DiscoveryGarden. -
Failed to transform...
warnings in FGS are still troubling. Who knows what effect they might be having now, or in the future? In the very least, there are so many of them that you have to wonder what else they might obscure, as was really the case in my tests. The key seems to have been the ONE warning buried among dozens of others. -
Somewhere in the config there's bound to be a
variable that controls how much output we see from FGS (and other services). I recommend identifying that setting and turning it DOWN fromINFO
, that way we won't have to sift though all theINFO
messages to discover that there might be someWARN
messages present!
I think this might be hard to fix, but it's worth filing a ticket on their repo for it:
@McFateM - do you mind summarizing it there so that it gets on their radar? They might have a suggestion or work around, as you're probably not the only on who will run into this.