~200ms are spent (for me) in ReflectionUtils.FindTypes when entering play mode. The call is caused by LunarConsole.OnEnable->EnablePlatform->InitPlatform->ResolveVariables. Is this something you can optimize?
Hello, I can successfully freeze and run the PySide6-SimpleBrowser example on my PC. However, when I copy the frozen app to another (non developer) PC I get an error. I...
Hi, I am using Pyside 6.3.1 and cx-freeze 6.11.1 on Windows 10. Freezing my app works, however, it is five times the size it used to be with PyQT 5....
### ImageMagick version 7.1.0-45 ### Operating system MacOS ### Operating system, version and so on 12.5 ### Description Hello, I use the below command on windows to position an arbitrary...
Hello, it's great to finally get an actively maintained MD plugin for Dokuwiki again! One thing that would be crucial for us is a markdown toolbar and (less important) a...
Hi @pubpub-zz, absolutely appreciate your effort in fixing py-pdfs form capabilities. I tested 3.11.1 and replaced pdftk with pypdf in our app. Its already looking quite good but there are...
### Feature Description Allowing to set videos as featured image can be a real eyecatcher. The video should autoplay and autorepeat with no meadia controls displayed. This can be achieved...
### Feature Description With publii it is currently not possible to tune the [CSP ]( response header up to maximum safety. [Mozilla Observatory]( recommends to not use any inline styles...
### Feature Description It would be great to have a builtin email-address obfuscation/encryption as spam-prevention. Here are some common techniques: I personally like the javascript/rot13 solution but with a...
PySide 6.7 cx_Freeze 7.0 When freezing a PySide6 app, the qt base translation files are missing. They contain translations i.e. for shortcuts and default buttons. They are typically loaded by...