Hi, I built again with include_msvcr and verified that the dll is included. I still get an error on the other PC, it changed slightly though. PySide6/ Unable to import...
I found the issue: python3.dll and python37.dll need to be **also** present inside the lib folder. Then it works on other PCs too.
Sorry, I was too quick in closing this - I still had the workaround of copying the python dlls to lib in my buildscript. The problem still exists with cx_freeze...
The vcruntime already is contained in the build root and another copy in the lib folder. Here are the contents of the build root /lib and /lib/PySide6 dirs (of my...
Hello, thank you for checking this out. You're right, I had some unneeded packages in my env and now set it up according to the requirements.txt. However, the issue is...
Python 3.7.8, cx_Freeze 6.12 and PySide6 6.3.2 Since this seems to be a path issue, maybe the reason is that I use Visual Studios python installation? (I have the following...
Thank you very much! It is fixed now!
Works, thank you!!
Hi, sorry to re-open this. The Devbuild works much better but there is some room for improvement. I get these files inside lib/PySide6 even though i don't use / import...
Thank you, much better! No more duplicate Qt6Core/Gui/Widgets. I do still get Qt6Network though, even though I don't import anything from it (Qt6Network.dll and QtNetwork.pyd in lib/PySide6)