I have found that a crash will sometimes occur without a null check in processSystem. The code should be the following: for (int i = 0, s = entities.size(); s...
What approaches does everyone use for handling errors? Do you simply wrap the code in each system's process functions to catch exceptions? protected void process(int e) { try { return...
Trying to deserialize a singleton GameSingleton component FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("saves/game_save.json"); worldSerializationManager.load(fin, SaveFileFormat.class); Config: .with(new SingletonPlugin(false)) All of the fields on the deserialized Singleton are null.
I'm looking at Game.Math.lua and it isn't clear how Base Weapon Damage is calculated. For example, a Level 1 dagger has a value of 55 for DamageFromBase. The calculated damage...