because my engine is still very old, so the data in my shader is like this: ``` struct VSInput { float4 position : SV_POSITION; float4 color : COLOR; }; ```...
my shader looks like this: `[unroll] for(int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {` The error code is > error X3511: unable to unroll loop, loop does not...
I got an error. > D3D12 CORRUPTION: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: Two threads were found to be executing methods associated with the same CommandList at the same time. This will cause corruption of...
I have a buffer of data and I want to set it to a constant buffer. my code is like the following: ``` Falcor::ConstantBuffer::SharedPtr const_buf = pVars->getConstantBuffer(buffer->name.get()); const_buf->updateData(buffer->data, 0, buffer->size);...
My Input layout looks like this: ``` input_layout = Falcor::VertexLayout::create(); Falcor::VertexBufferLayout::SharedPtr pVbLayout = Falcor::VertexBufferLayout::create(); pVbLayout->addElement("POSITION", 0, ResourceFormat::RGB32Float, 1, 0); pVbLayout->addElement("TEXCOORD", 12, ResourceFormat::RGBA32Float, 1, 1); pVbLayout->addElement("TEXCOORD", 28, ResourceFormat::RGBA16Float, 1, 2); input_layout->addBufferLayout(0,...