I tried to use two ResourceAllocator for the two render context, but I found the performance deteriorate (no threading).
yes I think you are right. but I have a question, the two threads both use one ResourceAllocator, right now the creation of ResourceAllocator is like this: ` mpResourceAllocator =...
Thanks for the answer. We have several shades with gradient instructions, which must use [unroll].
I changed the function from updateData to VariablesBuffer::setBlob, it works, because mDirty is set to true in setBlob function
``` static bool setVertexBuffer(ParameterBlockReflection::BindLocation bindLocation, uint32_t vertexLoc, const Vao* pVao, GraphicsVars* pVars) { ....... if (elemDesc.elementIndex == Vao::ElementDesc::kInvalidIndex) { pVars->getDefaultBlock()->setSrv(bindLocation, 0, nullptr); } else { assert(elemDesc.elementIndex == 0); ``` after...
TEXCOORD 0 is ResourceFormat::RGBA32Float but TEXCOORD 1 is ResourceFormat::RGBA16Float, does the array still work?