Results 130 comments of brunoais

Do you want that change to be overall for SCE?

That is what MS word has sent to the clipboard. In which ways have you tried that copy & paste. Did you try the latest dev version?

var obj = { tags: {} }, isInline: false, allowedChildren: ['#'], format: '[h' + num + ']{0}[/h' + num + ']', html: '{0}' } obj['tags']['h' + num] = null return...

Not your fault.... It just seems to be a failed dream....

Maybe this will work (not tested) git.bat content: @ECHO OFF execId=%RANDOM% worker.exe %execId% %* :start IF EXIST "/absolute/path/lock_%execId%.txt" ( TYPE "/absolute/path/out_%execId%.txt" DEL "/absolute/path/out_%execId%.txt" DEL "/absolute/path/lock_%execId%.txt" ) ELSE ( ping -n...

@mkbel Were you able to get any updates on this?

@Dowwie I can. I am reading the source code to try to understand it, yes. I'm using a NoSQL database and I'm using flask, so I'm just using yosai with...

By the way, there are things that I am struggling with. For example, where is the `SubjectContext`'s `self.session` ever assigned (besides being set to `None`)?

Another element I hadn't mentioned is that I will want to store the user's session as a cookie (ciphered and signed) in the browser. I don't want to have session...

I was only able to install using `basicsr==` Any version after fails with the error you mention