Results 130 comments of brunoais

@stachenov: Any news? 🙂

> Not yet, sadly. Still don't have much free time with this new life :-) Hopefully I can still do it this year. OK 👍! Thank you for the fast...

Living a life is important too 😉 . I'll wait for such time then!

Hello! Is there anything missing to move this from the icebox to the backlog?

> JXL is probably dead: You say that but most images on my PC are already `.jxl` and just not all of them because some python software I use...

Flatlaf looks.... Flat. It's way harder to know what things are buttons and what aren't. I prefer the slight skeuomorph of the current theme.

> My main reservation with that is that this allows them to get out of sync, so that you end up having e.g. `--color-green-*` that uses a different shade of...

``` Encoders: V..... = Video A..... = Audio S..... = Subtitle .F.... = Frame-level multithreading ..S... = Slice-level multithreading ...X.. = Codec is experimental ....B. = Supports draw_horiz_band .....D =...

I got this build from: linked from: ![image]( Maybe it would be a good idea to warn about that and put that link in the README?

> I'm somewhat leaning towards AVIF over JXL, due to AVIF being in all the browsers, and JXL being pulled from chrome. I think that is a bad idea. For...